Three Reasons The Conscious Entrepreneur Community is Important to Me And Why It May Resonate With You

On the week prior to the third annual Conscious Entrepreneur Summit – with 250 executives, leaders and entrepreneurs coming back to Boulder June 4th and 5th, I am reflecting on why the Conscious Entrepreneur Community has been important to me since it’s inception and why it may resonate with you. I’m reflecting on three main…


A Love Letter to Executives and Engineers – You Deserve So Much More

I’ve been helping clients build mission-driven executive and engineering teams, and helping friends find the best new opportunities for twenty-four years, which is a bit mind-bending. What’s even more mind-bending is the lack of clarity and even ‘resigned-to-whatever-may-come’ approach with which so many engineers and execs approach their searches. The ‘system’ seems to have beaten…


I asked AI to analyze my podcast appearances and blogs….here’s what it said…

Image of ‘Technical Integrity’ from Dalle that “successfully combines elements of a secure technical environment with a bright, inclusive, and positive workspace”. LMAO….sure Dalle…whatever you say : ) Perhaps it’s a bit dystopian, but hey, it’s heart-centered. I’ll take it. So, on to the analysis…yes, there were a few things to clean up after AI…
